Thursday, February 27, 2020

Computers and Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Computers and Learning - Essay Example Majority of the PCs in the college use Microsoft Operating System although some of the computers are still running on Office 97. The college has achieved a milestone in networking all the computers although not all PCs have been networked but there is increased trend of networking them. With a population of about 3000 students, the University has been thinking of providing laptop to the student the expense of which will be reduced from their fees. There has been increased pressure to make sure that the students accept the offer of the laptops because whether they accept them or not, they will still be charged in the school fees. This has been in line with the introduction of my Course system in the university website which is used by lecturers to post notes and exercises. There has also been declining number of student who are attending lecturer since they can download everything from the internet. How can the college achieve a competitive edge through the harmonization of the usage of the internet The aim of the university in introducing the use of computers has been to ensure that there is efficient delivery of services. ... tion this is one of the most important strategies that the university can use in order to achieve maximum use of computer technology in the university. If the university chose to sell the existing PCs and buying new ones, then the first step would be to find a way of storing the data based in the computers and then selling all of them. Then they would come up with a procurement procedure that will ensure that all the constituent colleges buys from one supplier. With a central supply system the university will be able to standardize the computer which is supplied to all the colleges. The university would then install all the computers with the require programs. This strategy would lead to loss of most of the data which may lead to distribution of the system though this may be the most efficient way of achieving the strategy, it will come with many disadvantages. However the greatest risk to the option remains in the way the university will be able to handle the risk of loss of the data contained in the PCs. One of the advantages with the option would be that the university will be able to acquire standardize computers and hence it would be easy for maintenance since the same company can be hired for the operation. (Bardini, 1995, p. 43) But on the other hand the university can choose to upgrade the current PCs that they are using in order to come up with new ones. The will involve increasing the various component of the computer instead of buying new ones. Therefore the best strategy would be hiring of IT specialist who will upgrade the PCs to use more upgraded memory and operating speed One advantage with this strategy will be that it will be easy to handle the database since it wills income upgrading one computer at a time. Therefore the data can be transferred

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

No Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

No - Essay Example Another way that the employers reduce the cost of health insurance for their employees is by reducing spouse and dependent coverage costs. This way, the employees have to dig deeper into their pockets to cover the family members. Through this ways, employers save a lot of money that they would otherwise have used to cover their employees. The Obama Care if carefully analyzed takes the health insurance cover from the employer based to government based model. Because of the taxation system on employer based insurance package, fewer people will take up the employer based insurance cover. All employees have to be covered under the Act (Niles 377). This means that even those with a low income can access an insurance cover. On the other hand, it means that the employees with higher earnings have to pay more. If I did not have an insurance cover, the Obama Care would be a good option because I now have the chance of accessing an affordable and quality health cover. Labor unions have in America have been instrumental in dealing with fair practices in the employment sector for its members. Despite having come a long way, the labor unions have had their fair share of challenges. There is a general attitude against unionization by the younger generation which makes the unions to lose grip. One of major challenges that the unions are facing is the decline in membership levels. This has seen the rise in part-time employment, less job security, and a rise in the number of the working poor. Another challenge is that the right of workers to gain membership in labor unions for collective bargaining purposes is under attack. The reason for this is the weak labor laws that do not encourage unionization of employees. In response to these challenges the labor movement reaches out to the people of color, women, the young people as well as immigrant workers to strengthen the movement (JIL 4).